Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fate Is Finally Revealed

M Is For Malice by Sue Grafton
pages 133-244

What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? Why?

To be quite honest, I thought the book was quite boring at first. The first few chapters made me sleepy and i had to force myself to read it, until i gave up on the book all together. But after given advice from my English teacher, Mr. Malley, I decided to keep reading. To me, the book just started getting interesting around the end.

That's when the plot started twisting and I finally started to understand everything that happened in the previous chapters and why. After forcing myself to read the book, I finally didn't have to anymore, because it was finally making sense to me. In the end, we learn of the fate of the missing brother and the will. And its all thanks to Kinsey Millhone, the private detective who was there for it all!

Tell me, Would you force yourself to read a book that you don't find appealing to you at all at first, or would you give up like I almost did?!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

What I would do is skip ahead towards the middle of the book or towards the end and read some of it. And if I still don't like it then I would give up on the book and get a different one.