Wednesday, May 21, 2008

okay so...

Okay, so I typed in "fag hags" in the search engine on yahoo, and a wikipedia site came up. The definition on the wikipedia site for fag hags is the slang term for a woman who either associates mostly or exclusively with homosexual men, or is best or good friends to a gay man or men. It also says that "fag hags" are "frequently stereotyped as outgoing women who are seeking a substitute for heterosexual relationships, or who are secretly attracted to gay men. In fact, many women who identify s fag hags are already in romantic relationships, either with straight men or women but appreciate the alternative experience of socializing with gay men." That was copied directly from wikipedia.

I noticed that most people seem to think that my topic is about the sensitivity of a straight guy, compared to that of a gay guy, and yeah I guess that's part of it, but thats not all of it. My topic goes beyond just the sensitivity. It's about the relationship that girls seem to have with gay guys, that they don't really have with straight guys. I have realized that most straight guys aren't sensitive towards girls, but there are some that can be. I have a lot of straight guy friends, and a couple gay guys as friends too, and my relationship with the straight guys is just about the same as the guy gays, because some of the straight guys actually can be sensitive.

I understand that with guys, they don't want to show their sensitivity, because they think they will be made fun of, or that it will make them seem less manly. Or whatever it may be, but at the same time, why is it such a big deal?

Like I've said before, I don't personally have this problem, but I do know a lot oif girls who feel like they have trouble relating to straight guys, as friends, sometmes even more. So maybe if the straight guy was willing to be "more gay" then it would make things easier for both the girls and the guys.

1 comment:

BaBy MiTcH said...

I think you sort of scare most guys when you say you wish they would act "more gay" but i know what you mean. I think it's just that you are attracted to people that maybe don't care what other people think. That not necessarily are gay but just sorta act "gay-ish". They don't like men but they can relate to women good and have a bond like that. It is a hard topic to cover but I think i get it and you are doing a great.