Thursday, January 10, 2008

But his world begins to slowly unravel after he cripples a fellow player in a football game, earning him the nickname "Killer." Keir stumbles through endless pranks and parties in a drunken, and often drug-induced, haze, not really understanding what he's doing, or why he's there. When I read more into the book I notice that he rape someone.

I knew Keir was capable of terrible things like his betrayal of the soccer team showed that , and we knew what the terrible thing was going to be from the start, but I could not help but naively hope that some miracle would happen and he would not rape Gigi. That's why this book is compelling. A flawed character, a very flawed character, is sometimes easiest to like, and it thrashes us when he is shown with the monstrous flaws he has.

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