Friday, April 11, 2008

Paparazzi And Celebs: Before The Search

-Why are celebs getting attack by paparazzi when they do something like drugs or getting pregnant at a young age?

When I first notice that celebs were getting attack by paparazzi, it was kind of annoying me. I notice these things on television and also on websites. Its kind of personal that all the information that the paparazzi get on tape. I would hate that all my business would get known all over the world. But if life was kind of different, like we non-celebs would not like stuff like that. That's my opinion. I think us people would get violent with the paparazzi unlike the celebs which they just ignore them like their not there. Why can they have normal like without people knowing there personal life?

Foundation Questions: 1] Why don't regular people (non-celebs) get attack by paparazzi when something bad happens

2] Do celebs hate when they get expose about there personal life?

3] If life was to be different, like paparazzi are going after non-celebs, would we (non-celebs) like it? Would we be violent to the paparazzi?

4] What are some impacts on the celebs and paparazzi?

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